
Top brand
To guarantee our customers the best durability for the machine we use high quality components.

100% Made in Italy
Our machines are designed, built and tested in Italy.

The process
All innovations of Automa By Magic machines come from cooperation with our customers to strengthen the relationship with them, together with mutual trust and loyalty.

Technical materials
All material are selected, inspected and tested with great care.

High quality customization
Every customer has his own specific needs and this requires a great attention to the details and a dedicated development. This is part of our DNA.


The shape that meet the needed
Simple design is an integral part of our success. It all starts from customer’s needs.

We build machines with functional design, that can work 24/7

Experience is crucial
In order to offer a user friendly experience it is necessary to start from the analysis of customer’s needs, abilities and behaviours.


Automa By Magic Software
The best user experience on a Blow Molding machine.

HD display.
A better quality of the display is increasingly required to better show the information of the machine, to guarantee readability and good user friendly interface.

Tele-service Control.
Machines remotely connected for a fast service and software upgrade. There is no simpler way to operate on the machine remotely, safely and at speed. Easy and fast.

Endless possibilities to control the machine in a simple way.
Thanks to the machine internet connection, our engineers can remotely update the software in real time.

Connect the machine via internet to control it from your PC
Technology acquired to carry out extraordinary operations quickly


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Via Buozzi, 28 – 40057 – Cadriano,
Granarolo Dell’Emilia, (BO) Italy
Tel. +39 0542 067335 Fax +39 0542 067351

Via Marengo, 22 Carate Brianza - 20841 (MB) P.IVA/C.F IT10510500969. Capitale Sociale: 100.000€. REA: MB-2537423.
PEC automabymagicsrl@pec.it


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